33rd Advanced Applied Laparoscopy Urology Course and Symposium: 8-10 October 2015, Cluj, Romania

33rd Advanced Applied Laparoscopy Urology Course and Symposium: 8-10 October 2015, Cluj, Romania


International and advanced 33rd Turkurolap course was performed in Cluj-Napoca, Romenia,between 8-10 October 2015. All paticipants was very intersted in course. There were 3 trainees from Kosovo, 5 trainees from Bulgaria, 1 from Moldova, and 12 trainees from Romenia (totally 21 trainees). In addition, there were 12 nurse trainees. Coordinator of the congress was Dr. Bogdan Petrut and his team had a warm welcome to us. They showed a great example of neiborhood, in Romenia.

The honour president of the Course was Prof Dr Yasar Ozgok, the course secretary was Assist Prof Dr Yigit AKIN. Assoc Prof Dr Altug Tuncel, Assoc Prof Dr Okan Istanbulluoglu, and Dr Mustafa Celik were the Hilal Tuzer PhD and Birgitta Keil were our nurse trainers in the course. In the fisrt day of the course, training in the dry and wet laboratuaries were perfermod after opening speechs. Training videos in Turkurolap web page were showed to trainess. In main time, nurse trainings were hold on, pour nurses presented their slides.

Prof Dr Ozgok shoed a presentation for 25 min, in the opening ceremony. Dr Bogdan Petrut and his team performed 3D lap. Extraperitoneal LRP, lap transperitoneal partial nephrectomy. Prof Dr. Leitsiakos who was the honour guest from Greece performed lap transperitoneal radical nephrectomy and lap transperitoneal pyeloplasty. Our team was performed 3D retroperitoneal radical nephrectomy in the lidership of Prof Dr. Yasar Ozgok. Dr. Yiğit Akın was the second surgeon of the operation. Birgitta Keil showed a great training performence to all nurses in the operating room. All nurses watched carefully all procedures. At that time, Assoc Prof Dr Altug Tuncel and Assoc Prof Dr Okan Istanbulluoglu told operation proceures and gived information with their great knowledge to all participants in the main sallon.

Training performance was hold in dry and wet laboratuaries in the last day of course. Then certificate ceremony was performed. After ceremony E-BLUS presentation was perfomed. Practical exam of E-BLUS was performed. A feedback collected form all participants.

In review, a benefical laparoscopy course was performed. Our team had a great contribution for holding on and performing the course. Turkurolap team increased finternational friendship and colloboration. Our team had gained great respect form all participants.
The Course Program
Course Documents


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