
47th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course

47th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, Istanbul, Turkey April 26-27, 2018.
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Executive Committee of Turkish Urology Association, Turkish Academia of Urology, Turkish Laparoscopy Training and Research Group (TURKUROLAP), International Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery Association (ILRSA) and Medtronic Center of Innovation and all members the organizing committee, it is our pleasure to introduce the 47th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey between April 26-27, 2018. The purpose of this course is to exchange and share up to date Developments in Laparoscopic Urology training, share our experience and knowledge on various aspects of the laparoscopy training with our colleagues and participants and looking forward to welcome you in Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course in a wonderful transcontinental historical city.


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