About Us

About The Association

Urology laparoscopy training group (TURKUROLAP) was founded by Prof. Dr Yaşar Özgök in Gülhane Military Medical Academy in 2005. TURKUROLAP courses superior to other courses are arrangement of "Ministry of Health approved, European Urology Association (EBU), European uro-technology association (ESUT) approval, Turkish Urology Post Graduate Approvals and additionally arrrangement of courses at dry and wet (animal laboratory) laboratories. TURKUROLAP is widely known and has a leading position in Turkey, too. The effectiveness of short-course courses has been proven in studies in the literature and TURKUROLAP can provide basic urological trainings in the best way in this context.

ESUT is the urological unit that closely follows the technological innovations. The approval of our stocks by EBU, ESUT and World Endourological society ensures that we can continuously adapt to today's technology. The study modules (in dry and wet laboratories) assist in dissection, clip placement and hand-eye coordination. Besides these, laparoscopic nephrectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection are the primer techniques given in the animal laboratory. Moreover, in pig model varicoselectomy, lymph node dissection and nephrectomy are given by trainees. At this point, trainees can reach a level that can go a step further.

Advanced courses include laparoscopic nephrectomy and assistantship during lymph node dissection. At the last step, these modules include suturing techniques. Pig models are used for management of adhesiolysis, pyeloplasty, radical nephrectomy and complications. All of these include 4 steps in ESUT's courses. TÜRKÜROLAP provides these courses in Balkans, Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Turkish Republics.

In the short history, at our courses which have completed many certifications and accreditations and accredited by Turkish Consortium Association, EBU (2010) and ESUT, many local and foreign trainers have been included. (many of which are at the end of the history). Our first 2 courses were held in Ankara with great support from Prof. Dr Inderbir Gill. Our trainers are also among the trainers of ESUT. Ali Serdar Gözen MD is the President of ESUT 's Education Group. Prof Rassweiler is the former president of ESUT. Professor Dr. Evangelos Lithiakosise is the current president. ESUT is leading laparoscopic urological education all over the world and is an important practitioner of urological current technology.

Undoubtedly, a team of experienced laparoscopic urology practitioners and assistants are requested. TURKUROLAP also provides training for the surgical room team. In this context, urological laparoscopic surgery nursing course was started to be given with the 4th course.

Totally 54 courses was held successfully until this time. You can find detailed information about course content on our website. The 22nd course was also held at the World Congress of Endourology, and the 10th course was successfully held in Athens. The 30th course was held successfully in Sudan, and the 31st course was held in Moscow with practical modalities. More than sixty international trainees and trainers from various nations attended the meeting successfully. The 32nd meeting was held in Baku, and then the 33rd meeting was held in Romania Cluj, the 34th meeting was held in Milano-Italy, 35th meeting was held in Bucharest, 36th meeting was held in Athens, Greece before the ESUT convention, 37th meeting was held in Khartoum-Sudan, 38th meeting was held in Calabar-Nigeria, 39th meeting was held in Pleven-Bulgaria, 40th meeting was held in Batna-Algeria, 41st meeting was held in Cluj, Napoca-Romania, 42nd meeting was held in Athens-Greece, 43rd meeting was held in Istanbul-Turkey, The 44th meeting was held as Uro Technology Traning (UTT) course with high participation in Baku, Azerbaijan. The forty-fifth meeting will be held in Bucharest-Romania.

Educational programs, including theoretical courses, surgery room settlements and live operations are the basic components of TURKUROLAP. In this respect, basic laparoscopic urology education is given by qualified international trainers. This is good, but standardization in laparoscopy training is necessary. TURKUROLAP has played a major role in this situation in Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East countries where we have a cultural affiliation and also Turkish Republics. Beginner laparoscopy urologists can benefit from TURKUROLAP's instructors.

TURKUROLAP's course modalities and training programs have been rapidly developed with developing technology. For detailed information, courses and more, please visit our website: www.turkurolap.com

Trainer List

Yaşar Özgök

Jens Rassweiler

Mihir M. Desai

Pilar Laguna

Eduard Galliamov

Zlexeyev Marlov

Kevin Zom

Ali Serdar Gozen

Pilar Laguna

Bogdan Petruţ

Inderbir Gill

Lutfi Tunc

Murat Arslan

A.Erdem Canda

Altug Tuncel

Yılmaz Arslan

Cenk Gurbuz

Derya Balbay

Sergev Popov

Vladmir Medvedev

Gabriel Anghel

Antonio Cardi

Petra Heiser

Theodoros Kalogeropoulos

Prabhudev Salanki

Aristeidis Karagiannis

Konandreas Andreas

Theodore Tohas

Antonius Lagothetie

Dimitrios Takos

Georgios Drenidis

Athanasios Papatsoris

Koutsogiannis Ioannis

Nikolaos Ferakis

Elizabeth Seemann

Othmar Seemann

Andreas Skolarikos

Doğu Teber

Jefffrey Cadeddu

Joanne Cresswell

Francesco Greco

Amr Massoud

Jean de la Rosette

Gerosimos Alivizatos

Iraklis Paulias

Evangelos Liatsikos

Abdullah Açıkgöz

Mutlu Ateş

Erem Başok

Selahattin Bedir

Yiğit Akın

Okan İstanbulluoğlu

İlker Seçkiner

İlter Tüfek

Esat Ak

























































List of Practical Courses 

1st course Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Course and Symposium 4-6 February 2005
2nd course Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Course and Symposium April 2006
3rd course Practical Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Course 17-19 March 2007 GATA Ankara
4th course Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Practice Course 6-9 December 2007 GATA Ankara
5th course Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Course and Symposium 3-6 April 2008 GATA Ankara
6th course Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Course and Symposium, 24-27 October 2008, Ankara
7th course 7th Applied laparoscopic Urology course, April 2-5, 2009, Ankara
8th course 8th Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course & Symposium, Ankara, 1-4 October 2009
9th course 9th Applied Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Symposium 9-10 April 2010 Konya
10th course International applied laparoscopic urology course and symposium, 16-18 Sep 2010 Athens
11st course 11st Applied Urological Laparoscopic Surgery Course -3 December 2010 Gazi Ün. Ankara
12nd course International applied laparoscopic urology course and symposium, 28-30 Oct 2011 June Cairo Egypt
13rd course International applied laparoscopic urology course, 29-31 march 2011-Athens Greece.
14th course International applied laparoscopic urology course and symposium, 7-8 April 2011, Ankara
15. course 15th Internatıonal Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course 27 april-1 May 2011, Cluj Romania
16th course Internatıonal Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 29 April-2 May 2011, Cluj Romania
17th International applied laparoscopic urology course and symposium, 30 May-1 June 2011 Hamburg Germany
18th International applied laparoscopic urology course and symposium, 15-17 Aug 2011 Hamburg Germany
19th course International applied laparoscopic urology course and symposium, 12-14 April 2012 GATA-Gazi's Ankara
20th course 20th International Turkurolap Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 2-3 September 2012, Ankara
21st course 21st International applied laparoscopy course, 4-7 October 2012 Cluj, Romania
22nd course Advanced applied laparoscopic Urology Course and mini-laparoscopy April 4-5, 2013, Moscow, Russia.
23rd course Applied Advanced laparoscopic Urology Course, 31may-1 June 2013, Athens Greece.
24th course International Advanced laparoscopic Urology and mini laparoscopy course, 20-21 September, 2013, Izmir
25th course International Advanced laparoscopic Urology 25-26 October, 2013 Cluj Napoca, Romania
26th course International Advanced laparoscopic Urology, 2014 Jakarta, Indonesia
27th course Advanced Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course and Symposium, 3-5 April 2014, Moscow, Russia.
28th course International laparoscopic urology course 24-27 September, Bucharest, Romania
29th course Laparoscopic urology Course, 13 February, Istanbul
30th course International applied laparoscopic urology course, 6-10 March, Khartum, Sudan
31st course International applied laparoscopic urology course, 2 April, Moscow, Russia
32nd Advanced Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course and Symposium: 7-8 June 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan
33rd Advanced Applied Laparoscopy Urology Course and Symposium: 8-10 October 2015, Cluj, Romania
34th Advanced Applied Laparoscopy Urology Course and Symposium: 16 October 2015, Padova, Italy
35th Advanced Applied Laparoscopy Urology Course and Symposium: 3-4 June 2016, Bucharest, Romania
36th Advanced Applied Laparoscopy Urology Course and Symposium: 5-7 July 2016, Athens, Greece
37th Advanced Applied International Laparoscopy Course, 3-6. November. 2016, Khartoum - Sudan
NAUS & 38th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course 22-23 November 2016, Calabar, Nigeria
39th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course 9-10 December 2016, Pleven, Bulgaria
40th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course 02-05 March 2017, Batna, Algeria
41st International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course 01-03 June 2017, Cluj, Napoca-Romania
42nd International Applied laparoscopic urology course Athens Greece, June 29-July 1
43rd International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course 11-12 August,2017, Istanbul, Turkey
44th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course 2-4 June,Baku Azerbaijan